keskiviikkona, huhtikuuta 01, 2009

Well I guess this is growing up

It has been a while since I have been updating my blog. At the moment I am overwhelmed by work, studies and politics. It is good tough, my life being a mess since my girlfriend went to Chile for a year and me collecting the rest of my life piece by piece to a puzzle not even I can understand.

Also other things have affected my way of thinking the last days and weeks. Couple of my friends have been ill and one of them serious. Both are young like me, but still at the same time mortal. Trough them I figure that the years of "happy happy joy joy" -lifestyle is over and I have to take my life into my own hands before it is too late. This does not mean I cannot have fun anymore, but it means I have to ask myself this: what do I want from life? Couple of 18 year old guys think I am pretty old already, so I better start finding an answer soon.

Still, what if I do not need to know what to do with my life? I could just 'go with flow', but then again, this would not be me. I always have to have a plan, even if I am not following it. My plan for this year looks good and hopefully will come to live. But for next year and the year after that: no clue.

Last weeks and days have also showed me that you have to work to make your dreams and plans come true. This is the hard part. You can skip this scene in a movie but not in real life. That sucks. So now when my girlfriend is away I have to manage my everyday life on a total new level. Sports is helping me and also the joy of being alone which I never thought I will enjoy.

But then again, I miss my social side often. And finding your friends again after spending normally most of your evenings with your girl is not as easy and takes a lot of work. My advice to anybody in the same situation is to make an effort but also to let go and see who sticks with you anyway. The older you get, the less friends you need but those you have: stick with them.

Well, now I am waiting for May and June. They might mean for me a new turn in my year and the energy I need to survive. In May I will visit Germany and Chile, in June hopefully move to Helsinki for 2 months or so. The Helsinki part is still open.


Still, not all in this blog entry is personal, I have something to say also ;). I want to thank my Socialist friend Jenny Lindborg for rising an important topic on the table in the EU election campaign: racism in Finland. I listened to her in Joensuu and hope she will say the right words also for other people and make everyone listen to the problems we are facing in Finland.

Racism is a problem in Finland and we should point out racism when we see it and name it too. Claiming people should be send back home to their "home" country against their will is not being critical, it is being a racist. Racism is a blind spot in the Finnish society. Specially racism in the Internet is a big problem, because false ideas spread easily and fast also among teenagers.

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